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January 20, 2021 / By: Karibu / Teme: coffee subscription, subscribe to a coffee

How to always have a coffee on stock? A word or two about coffee subscription

For sure you have found yourself in a situation when you wanted to start a day with a cup of coffee, but then realized that you have not a bean of coffee in your house. Karibu Kaaawa figured out how to tackle with this problem!

Have you known that you can subsribe to some product? Subscription concept very quickly has became popular in America and Europe. It is practical, saves your time, someone else takes care of your needs etc., these are just some of the benefits of this concept.

From the very beginning Karibu Kaaawa has collaborated with various European coffee roasters. Very often we had been listening your question like when some new coffee roastery with a new offer of coffee is arriving. This rotation of specilaty coffee roasters proved to be something that distinguishes us from other coffee shops in Croatia. Since we have set up online shop for coffee, we came up with the idea to offer subscription coffee box to our customers. Thus, we did it and this sympathetic subscription concept is now offered on Karibu Kaaawa web shop.

How this coffee subscription concept actually works? The process somehow goes in this order. The first step is on you, - to choose one of our three options: a monthly coffee subscription, a quarterly coffee subscription or an annual coffee subscription. Then you need to consider how much coffee you drink daily. This information is of great importance to us in order to provide you with a sufficient monthly amount of coffee. A coffee subscription can also be an original gift to someone, so you will be asked about this during the ordering process. Finally, leave us your details and pay by credit card, Revolut or via internet banking. This completes your order, and you will receive an order confirmation by email. And, of course, keep in mind that the coffee subscription is always delivered at the beginning of the month, even this first coffee delivery.

Of course, there are some differences between these three options. The monthly coffee subscription is going to be renewed from month to month (until you let us know that you want to cancel it), so it is be paid on a monthly basis. The quarterly and annual coffee subscription is not going to be renewed, but the coffee is going to be delivered only in the next three and 12 months, respectively. Once being used, it needs to be ordered again through our Karibu Kaaawa web shop. Payment for quarterly and annual coffee subscriptions is one-time for the entire subscription period.

Each month, it will be some other carefully selected specialty coffee roastery with which Karibu Kaaawa has collaborated. These are top-quality small coffee roasters whose coffees we carefully taste before including them in subscription coffee box.
Why to take coffee subscription? If you have chosen the right amount of coffee that will arrive every month, all month you will enjoy in quality coffee. Also, every month some surprise effect with coffee flavors from different parts of the world.
What types of coffee I will receive through a coffee subscription? For sure, it will always be one of arabica varaties. All these coffees originate from proven farms in Africa, Central and South America or Asia, from which our roasters most oftenly buy green coffee directly. The exact origin of the product is always presented, as the farmer who stands behind this coffee and the method of processing.

After you have subscribed, we will contact you to check if you have already had the opportunity to taste some of the top Arabicas and how you plan to prepare coffee (Turkish coffee, filter coffee, mocca, espresso). This information will mean a lot to you as a buyer and to us as a seller. If this is your first time to enter craft coffee world, it is important that the coffee has more chocolate notes and nutty flavours. Too much fruitiness could deter you from consuming arabica coffee. So, just relax and follow our recommendations with choosing appropriate coffee.

At the end, take coffee subscription and explore the specialty coffee world with Karibu Kaaawa! More information about coffee subscription you can read on our web.

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